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г. Ставрополь. 355035 ул.2-я Промышленная 14-В

Почтовый адрес: 355044, г.Ставрополь, а/я 3.

Контактный телефон: (8652)56-32-31           факс: (8652)56-23-44
E-MAIL: oxigenplus@list.ru

E-MAIL юриста: oxigen.jurist@mail.ru

Реквизиты предприятия:

ОГРН 1022601939689
ИНН 2635042141 / КПП 263501001
Р/с 40702810500000004486 в Ставропольпромстройбанке- ПАО  г. Ставрополь
К/счет 30101810500000000760
БИК 040702760
ОКПО 48599845 ОКВЭД 20.11
ОКФС 16         ОКОПФ  65
Директор В.А. Холопенков действует на основании Устава


Your are currently browsing this site with Internet Explorer 6 (IE6).

Your current web browser must be updated to version 7 of Internet Explorer (IE7) to take advantage of all of template's capabilities.

Why should I upgrade to Internet Explorer 7? Microsoft has redesigned Internet Explorer from the ground up, with better security, new capabilities, and a whole new interface. Many changes resulted from the feedback of millions of users who tested prerelease versions of the new browser. The most compelling reason to upgrade is the improved security. The Internet of today is not the Internet of five years ago. There are dangers that simply didn't exist back in 2001, when Internet Explorer 6 was released to the world. Internet Explorer 7 makes surfing the web fundamentally safer by offering greater protection against viruses, spyware, and other online risks.

Get free downloads for Internet Explorer 7, including recommended updates as they become available. To download Internet Explorer 7 in the language of your choice, please visit the Internet Explorer 7 worldwide page.